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How To Prevent Sore Throat Or Flu Attack

Updated on February 10, 2018
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I like to share information that makes life more joyful and meaningful. My main interests are health and general wellness in body and mind.

Impending Flu Attack

I remember receiving an email a long time ago about this piece of valuable information. But I can’t locate that email anymore. It described how sore throat and flu developed from the initial stages, and the method to “kill” them off before they develop into full-blown sickness.

I am not a doctor, so I really don’t know how to put it in technical terms that such simple method can prevent sore throat and flu from developing. It goes something like this, in layman’s term. Apparently the viruses/bacteria will start attacking at the upper part of the throat, and you will feel an uneasy or “tight” feeling around that area when being attacked. Without any control the viruses/bacteria will spread to the whole area and develop into sore throat and/or flu.

How To Kill Off The Attack

Once you have that uneasy/uncomfortable sensation around the upper part of your throat, this is what you must do. Dissolve a pinch of salt in half a cup of warm water, or enough for at least five repeated gargles. (I only need less than a quarter cup.) Then gargle the saline solution and repeat at least five times, or as often as needed. This works! Apparently, the saline solution kills off the viruses/bacteria before they develop further. I am speaking from my personal experience. After doing that, the symptom will vanish and you’ll be back to normal. No more sore throat or flu. Do it several times if the uneasy feeling still persists.

In addition, please take plenty of vitamin C tablets, and at least one capsule of reliable multi-vitamins each day.

Before you go to bed at night, brush your teeth first, and then do the salt solution gargle again, and don't drink any more liquid. This way, the saline solution will protect you for the rest of the night while you sleep. Make sure you go to bed early and have a really good sleep over. In the event you are awakened in the middle of the night by discomfort in your throat, then get up and do the salt water gargle with warm water. I assure you that you will feel much better after this.

Try It; You Have Nothing To Lose

Try this next time you feel the attack. You have nothing to lose. Even if this doesn’t work on you, it is still not too late to see your doctor! But one thing for sure: at least you kill all the bacteria in your mouth, and feel fresh after the “mouthwash.”

I wish you good health and happiness.

In the sad event that you catch the flu, you may like to hasten the recovery process by following the steps in my article "How to cure flu".

And if you just have the coughs, try these two methods in my article "How to cure coughs".

Hey! That Email Returned!

The miracle of the internet. The email I mentioned came back again today (20 May 2010). This is what it said:

By Dr. Ben Kim on March 09, 2008
Natural Health Solutions

"Before I share a great little tip on how to stop a sore throat from progressing into a week-long cold, please know that periodically experiencing a cold or the flu can actually be helpful to your health.. because experiencing a cold or the flu once in a while can help rid your body of your weakest cells.

Warm salt water can remove viruses from the tonsils and adenoids that line the back of your throat region. Viruses that cause colds and flus typically get caught by your tonsils and adenoids before they spread through your body. Your tonsils and adenoids are important parts of your immune system because they are located near the entrance of your breathing passages, and they serve as a first line of defense against undesirable airborne microorganisms and substances.

Warm water may help to melt the fatty coating that protects viruses that cause the cold and flu."

(An update: 1 August 2012: I came across this site by Dr. Ben Kim. I think he is the same person who wrote the above)

Testimony From A Reader

This was commented by a reader, Donna :

"I have done this for years and it never failed me. In fact I make sure to squirt warm salt water down my nose and in the ears during allergy or sinus season to prevent soar throats due to allergies/sinus as well. I haven't had an antibiotic in years. But years before this I used to suffer 3 cycles of strepthroat between Sept and February yearly and seeing the doctor until he would not give me anymore anti-biotics. I am so glad I am out of that loop now."


The information provided in this article is sourced from the internet, from friends and contacts, and from personal experience. As I cautioned in my article, not every remedy will work on everyone. So is conventional medical treatment. It very much depends on the constituents of the person and the conditions peculiar to that person. Whatever the reasons, this article does not claim the information provided is totally accurate and reliable and will cure everyone. The purpose of this article is merely to inform visitors that there are alternative cures for all ailments.

You are therefore advised to consult your registered medical physicians as a matter of due diligence.

© 2010 Justin Choo


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